So, Joy left yesterday morning to go to South Padre Island with the choir. Thursday night was spent packing her bag and when it came time for her to go to bed, tears from me and an "I don't have to go" from her. Oh, yes you do!!! We paid for it, you're going. Ok, so I got texts from her all day. Nothing earth shattering, just stuff.
This morning at 8:08am I got this "I left my walet in my bag -.-' no lunch for Joy". (her spelling, not mine) Ugh (on both counts)!!! Back and forth with texts, I find out that they moved hotels last night because the power kept going out at the one they were in. So, rush, rush, rush = no money.
Her teacher was off the bus unloading the bags, etc, so Joy couldn't get to her. So, being the concerned mom of a diabetic kid with high blood pressure, I called the teacher. Keep in mind that these texts have taken about 45 minutes. On the phone with the teacher explaining that her money is in her bag. There's some kind of giant drill in the background there blocking every other word...sounds like fun, right...she says, "Oh my God, does she have her pills? Money? Oh, there are about 55 bags to go through and we still have to have breakfast." No kidding while I'm on the phone with her Joy texts and says "nvm". I disconnected with the teacher and called Joy back. "I found my money." Exhale! "Ok, do you have your pills?" (Just figured I should ask.) "No." Ugh all over again!!!
Joy then tells me that she can make it through the day without the pills. She'll be fine. I tell her it's a bad idea and go to text her teacher. Yes, I'm totally gonna tattle, but I'm not calling her again. I feel too bad about this whole thing, plus that drill was really loud! Then I get a text from Joy saying, "other teacher was eves dropping." (again her spelling not mine) Yay! (for teacher eaves dropping not the spelling) She had to go get her pills and is now enjoying breakfast with other 54 students.
Moral to the story? Hmmm.
Don't let them go anywhere ever? No.
Take away cell phone when they leave so you don't know anything's wrong the whole time? Maybe.
Make twin sister go next time because they help keep track of each other? Yes. (maybe not for those exact reasons)
Learn to let her take care of herself more? Definitely.
Right about now, my guilt complex would normally be kicking in, however, I find that it's not. Todd and I have done all we can to help her be more responsible to almost no avail. I think she's a teenager and that covers a lot of ground. We've recently enrolled her in Sylvan to help her get more organized with school. We hope it works and maybe some of it will roll over to other parts of her life.
Can't write a blog about one kid and leave the other one completely out so...As for Josi, she is organized and does well in school, but is very closed off. She refused to go on the choir trip because she didn't know anybody that was going. Ummm, your sister is gonna be there! Ok, I can let that one pass. There's something wrong there, but, frankly, I'm just too tired right now to figure it out. I'll think about it tomorrow! (best Scarlet impression ever!!!)
Joy needs a pocket bra!! My mother sews a little pocket inside all her bras and puts money in there. She may forget it and wash it a few times, but she's never without some cash. I started to say cash "on hand" but technically it's cash "on breast"!! Maybe a couple of sugar pills would fit in there, too!